7 Best Composting Toilet of 2021 – Review & Buying Guide

The increase in dry toilets is significant. Those who live off the grid and people who want a greener lifestyle are driving the popularity of composting toilets. In addition, there is a significant fan club of composting toilet users in the RV and boating community.

We have analyzed the 7 best composting toilets to show you an alternative to the conventional toilet.

Here are the 10 Best Composting Toilet in India.

Let’s take a look at the Best Composting Toilet!

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Finding the best was next up on our list of challenges. After several hours of testing, we decided on a few models that we think are suited.

Here are the Top 10 & Best Composting Toilet in 2021

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What Is a Composting Toilet?

A composting toilet is a waterless toilet that treats human waste by allowing it to decompose biologically. This process breaks down the organic matter and turns the waste into a compost-like material that can be disposed of or sprinkled on your plants.

Unlike flushing toilets, a composting toilet relies on aerobic bacteria to break the waste matter down into a soil-like material. To help this process, carbon-rich sources like wood chips, sawdust and coffee grinds are added.

Benefits of a Composting Toilet

Contrary to what you might think, composting toilets are clean and relatively odorless. There are many benefits to owning a composting toilet.


What could be kinder to the planet than a composting toilet? All the waste matter can be recycled and spread onto your non-edible plants.

Uses Less Water

Unlike a flush toilet that uses liters of water, a composting toilet is a dry system. It uses aerobic bacteria to decompose the waste matter slowly, enabling the material to break down naturally.

Recycle Your Waste

Properly composted human waste is as nutritious to plant life as any other form of compost. You are saving the planet in baby steps, but you are also enhancing your plants in the garden. It’s a win-win!

Ideal for Remote Areas

If you have a remote cabin, or live an off-grid lifestyle, a composting toilet is the answer to your dreams. You can install them anywhere.

Ideal for Boats and RVs

Rather than filling a black waste tank on your boat or RV, why not install a composting toilet. You’ll save dollars in the long run when you no longer need to pump out the waste tanks.

Disadvantages of a Composting Toilet

For every advantage, there are disadvantages.

Not as Convenient

Nothing quite beats the convenience of going to the toilet and flushing the waste matter away. You don’t smell it, and you don’t see it once flushed.

Extra Costs

Not only do most composting toilets cost more, but they also come with ongoing maintenance considerations. You need to add carbon-matter like sawdust and wood chips.

Requires Discipline to Use

Unlike a flushing toilet, composting toilets require discipline and constant monitoring to ensure that the composting process is working and there is no cross-contamination.

Can Be Unhealthy

An improperly installed toilet can lead to smells and insect infestation, which is a matter that is difficult to dispose of.

How to Choose a Composting Toilet

Many factors make up the ideal composting toilet. For some, it is the look of the toilet in that it needs to look like a conventional version, and for others, it is the convenience and ease of maintenance.

Available Space

The size and shape of your toilet space determines what type and model of composting toilet you can own. Some fit tight spaces and corners, while others can free stand anywhere.

Do you have access to an electrical supply, because, again, that would determine what type of toilet you can get? Think about standing and sitting on the toilet to visualize whether it feels claustrophobic or cramped.

Portable Vs Composting

Any toilet that doesn’t use chemicals is essentially a composting toilet. While some separate the wet from the dry, others allow the two waste products to mix in the same container. If you want to use your waste as a fertilizer, you will need to keep the solids separate from the liquids.

If all you want is an off-grid alternative to a flush toilet, a portable version will suffice. Also, portable toilets are frequently found in RVs and boats, thanks to their small dimensions.

Tank Capacity

The right tank capacity comes down to how the toilet is used and how many people use it. It is no good getting a composting toilet with a tiny capacity if the entire family wants to use it.

Likewise, why spend big bucks on a toilet with the maximum capacity you can get when you are rarely going to reach the tank’s capacity. Shopping for a toilet for your RV or boat, the tank capacity is likely to be less than if you were installing it in a house.

Connected to the Utilities

Some toilets use a small amount of water to flush, but nowhere near the amount used on a conventional toilet. Others have tiny fans that require electricity to power them. These fans help to dry out the solid matter and to disperse any odors that might exist.

Many composting toilets use a trap system to separate the waste and contain the smells. This means that the male members of the household will need to pee sitting down. Check that they are happy to do this.

Check With the Government

Some local laws dictate that to install a composting toilet requires a permit. Check with the seller before buying to see what the options are. You could always seek advice from your local government office.

The different types of composting toilets available

Whilst there are many different variations of toilet sizes and gizmos and additions that can be added to your composting toilet, they can really be divided into two categories – Split Systems and Self Contained (also called all-in-one).

Split Systems

These types of composting toilets are quite literally split into two sections called the ‘pedestal’ which is above the floor and the ‘tank‘ which is below the floor. The pedestal is the seat where you sit to do your business and the tank is where all the waste is stored to go through the composting process. These types of toilets are great for homes, outhouses, national parks or clubhouses and sports clubs , etc that have accessible space under the floor. Split systems usually have a larger capacity and are installed in areas where multiple people are going to be using the bathroom.

Self Contained Systems

Self contained units are an all in one system that has the container and pedestal built into the one system. These are great for homes that are limited on space or don’t have a downstairs area for a tank to go. Many people use self contained composting toilets in small homes or tiny houses, caravans, RVs and motorhomes, boats or single level homes that have been built on a concrete slab.

Continuous vs Batch

Both split and self contained systems can be further categorised into “continuous” and “batch systems”. In a continuous system, poop goes in one end and humus comes out the other. With a batch system, compost chambers are filled and then changed for an empty chamber so the compost is done in batches.

How Split System Composting Toilets Work

The process behind how a split system composting toilet works is very simple however, the composting process itself can be very interesting and somewhat technical. The toilet system is fairly easy to install and setup – it’s the composting process that introduces many different elements, organisms, bacteria, and fungi to work in harmony to produce the rich humus similar in chemical makeup and look/feel to topsoil.

Here’s a simple diagram that explains the different components of a split ‘continuous’ system composting toilet.

As you can see there’s the pedestal component that works pretty much the same as a standard ‘flush’ toilet system (without the flush of course).

Then there’s the initial chamber where most of the waste is caught. There is also a drain for excess liquid to escape (a sloppy composting pile will quickly start to smell and can kill off important bacteria and moulds in the composting pile). The vent and fan will help to evaporate excess liquid from your pile and assist in keeping the composting pile at a regulated temperature. The secondary chamber is where the finished product ends up. Composting toilet will produce a humus like product that’s almost indistinguishable from rich, organic topsoil.

How a self contained (Batch) composting toilet works

As you can see from this image a self contained composting toilet has everything you 

need contained in the one system. They look very similar to a traditional toilet and many people won’t even notice that it’s a composting toilet until they start using it!

Because the chambers are much smaller than a split system, often self contained composting toilets will come with 1-2 chambers so you can swap them out when one gets full. Additional chambers can be purchased if you’re expecting a lot of people (holidays or family reunions, etc).

What composting toilet should I buy?

Well as you can see there’s a lot of different options available for you, but don’t worry, how many people using it and the type of home you have can narrow down the range of solutions so you’re able to make a clearer decision.

Let’s take a look at some common scenarios and the type of composting toilet that would suit them.

Family home no underfloor space with 2-5 people
If you’re a family home with two adults and a couple of kids a self-contained composting toilet is perfect for you.

Family home with underfloor space with 2-5 people
If you’re a family home with two adults and a couple of kids and underfloor space a split system is perfect for you.

Family home with more than 5 people
Either consider multiple self-contained systems if you don’t have any underfloor space or a split system such as a Clivus Multrum CM10 or a Clivus Multrum CM HP

Small clubhouse or sports club with 10-30 people
With this amount of people using the system, this will definitely require a split system like the Clivus Multrum CM tank range.

National Park or large club
A split system is a must for this amount of people. A larger split system like the CM40 will do the job along with the possibility of installing a restroom building.

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